Understanding Body Messages [Podcast 007]

Everything that has ever happened to you is recorded in your body, in that computer that never forgets.

Every event that you experience impacts upon you with good feelings or bad.  If something gives you a good feeling, every cell in your body is favourably affected and therefore benefits.  If something happens that makes you feel bad, then your body feels bad, and once more, every cell in your body is influenced in a harmful or unhappy way.

If you want to avoid illness, be alert to how you feel all the time.

In this podcast I talk about a few of the possible explanations that can be attached to certain parts of the body when it decides to “talk” to you via discomfort or pain.

6 Replies to “Understanding Body Messages [Podcast 007]”

  1. Thank You Lauren! I Loved this podcast. Even tho I have my masters in psychomatic therapy, I still need to hear it back to me. I will be coming back to this one to remind myself as there are a few that are still new to me, it also reminds me what I need to work on with in myself *ehem… like forgivness and letting go of guilt and speaking up for myself. This one is a keeper for me!

    Much Love and Gratitude
    Jo-Dean XOXO

  2. Hi Jo-Dean,

    Isn’t it fascinating stuff! Even as I was recording the broadcast, I kept making correlations between aches and pains and the various meanings! 🙂

    Please retweet and share on Facebook as I am sure lots of other folks will find this topic interesting.


  3. Lauren

    Beautifully explained simple and to the point of why our physical body gets imbalanced when the mental is not balanced.

    may I use this podcast , with my clients for chakra balancing

  4. Thx Lauren, really believe in this topic. I have experienced so many of these emotional holdings showing up in my physical body and have recently been able to more effectively clear them. love your podcast cheers

  5. Hi Yvonne,
    Amazing how many layers there is to healing the whole body! Glad you related to the topic and thanks for posting your comment.


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