Swine Flu Pandemic and Vaccines Under Investigation

Ever heard of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg?  He is the head of health at the Council of Europe and he’s the man behind initiating an investigation into the role of pharmaceutical companies in the ‘pandemic emergency’ surrounding the Swine Flu pandemic.

In short, The Council of Europe (covering 47 European countries) will be asking simple straight forward questions:

Firstly, the World Health Organization (WHO) will have to explain what scientific evidence they used, justifying their change of definition of what a pandemic is, in May 2009. (The truth is they didn’t, they simply asked a hundred-odd scientists their opinion and based on that they changed their definition… I kid you not!).

Secondly, the European Council wants to know precisely what influence the pharmaceutical industry had in the decision-making. Since governments have sealed contracts with vaccine producers, securing orders in advance, (like with Tamiflu during the Bird Flu scare) producers of vaccines were sure of enormous gains without having any financial risks.

Swine Flu-Gate!

This investigation is more than good news for the natural and alternative medicine industry, who always seems to bare the brunt of scrutiny and ridicule. For once, the pharmaceutical industry is in the Principal’s office…

About the investigation Dr. Wodarg said: “We have had a mild flu – and a false pandemic.. A group of people in the WHO is associated very closely with the pharmaceutical industry… In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide…

“The vaccines were developed too quickly. Some ingredients were insufficiently tested.”

“But there is worse to come. The vaccine developed by Novartis was produced in a bioreactor from cancerous cells, a technique that had never been used until now.

“This was not necessary. It has also led to a considerable mismanagement of public money.”

WOW. Someone from the medical mainstream is actually criticizing the development, testing and effectiveness of vaccines.

Dr. Wodarg goes on to say: “The time has come at last for us to make demands on governments. The purpose of the inquiry is to prevent more false alarms of this type in the future.”

“We must make sure people can rely on the analysis and the expertise of national and international public institutions. The latter are now discredited, because millions of people have been vaccinated with products with inherent possible health risks.”

In the interest of public safety

Can you see the possibilities if this investigation has a positive outcome?

Whilst, it only focuses on the Swine Flu Pandemic scandal this investigation may open other doors for probing more investigations into the global power that pharmaceutical companies have.

Perhaps it may even curb the sinister activities of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which is still a massive threat to our health freedom.

Some may say Dr. Wodarg has no grounds for his claims and that organizations such as the WHO have legal regulations and numerous safeguards in place to manage possible conflicts of interest. However, we must remember that Dr. Woldarg has the backing of health officials of 47 European countries. People in power (a lot of them) are asking questions and those responsible will have to answer them.


‘The ‘false’ pandemic: Drug firms cashed in on scare over swine flu, claims Euro health chief’ by Fiona Macrae, published online 18.01.10, dailymail.co.uk

‘H1N1 Flu Is a False Pandemic, Health Expert Claims’ published online 11.01.10, foxnews.com

‘Faked pandemic’ by Louise Voller and Kristian Villesen, published online 27.12.09, wodarg.de/english