Stress Management Technique

Just in case you are having a rough day (week, year, and life), here is a stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological journals. The funny thing is that it really does work.

1.   Picture yourself lying on your tummy on a warm rock that hangs out over a crystal clear stream.

2.   Picture yourself with both your hands dangling in the cool running water.

3.   Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air.

4.   No one knows your secret place.

5.   You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called the world.

6.   The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.

7.   The water is so crystal clear that you can easily make out the face of the person you are holding underwater.

There!! See? It really does work.

You’re smiling already.

Foot Teaser

Can you do this?

1.  While sitting at your desk in front of the computer – lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now while doing this.. draw the number ‘6’ in the air with your right hand.

3. Your foot will change direction!


Before the day is out you will try it again.. if you have not already done so!


Think you are having a bad day?

Fire authorities in California found a corpse in a burned-out section of forest while assessing the damage done by a forest fire.  The deceased male was dressed in a full wet suit, complete with scuba tanks on his back, flippers, and face mask.

A post-mortem test revealed that the man died not from burns, but from massive internal injuries. Dental records provided a positive identification.  Investigators then set about to determine how a fully clothed diver ended up in the middle of a forest fire. Continue reading “Think you are having a bad day?”