Oats for breakfast helps prevent coronary artery disease

The best start to the day just got better. Oats for breakfast helps prevent artery disease, scientists have reported this week. The oats combat chronic inflammation, which can lead to the artery disease known as atherosclerosis, as well as many other health problems, too.

Oats contain several healthy compounds, researchers at Tufts University in Boston, Mass, have discovered, including avenanthramides, which have anti-inflammatory qualities, as well as phenolic antioxidants, which stop blood cells sticking to artery walls.

Earlier studies had discovered that oats lower blood cholesterol.

(Source: USDA/Agricultural Research Services, February 16, 2010).

Baked rhubarb crumble kills cancer, scientists discover

Scientists have discovered a surprising cancer fighter that may be as effective as powerful drugs such as chemotherapy – baked rhubarb crumble. Rhubarb that is baked for around 20 minutes develops powerful anti-cancer chemicals known as polyphenols, which stop cancer cells from growing, and even kills them off. Scientists at the Sheffield Hallam University are soon to test the crumble on a group of leukaemia patients. Continue reading “Baked rhubarb crumble kills cancer, scientists discover”

Swine Flu Pandemic and Vaccines Under Investigation

Ever heard of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg?  He is the head of health at the Council of Europe and he’s the man behind initiating an investigation into the role of pharmaceutical companies in the ‘pandemic emergency’ surrounding the Swine Flu pandemic.

In short, The Council of Europe (covering 47 European countries) will be asking simple straight forward questions: Continue reading “Swine Flu Pandemic and Vaccines Under Investigation”

The Power of Intention – Must See Video

Lynne McTaggart is an award winning Journalist, best known for her best selling book “The Field”.  She builds on that work in her new project working with the power of intention. On her recent workshop in Holland, she had  someone to film the amazing results.

On this video, you’ll meet Heddy, a woman with such pain in her joints she had highly restricted movement awake with her pain gone. Charles, who suffered with a terrible dry and scratchy throat, had his condition vanish overnight. Brenda, told she couldn’t have a baby for 20 years, used intention techniques and proved the doctors wrong.

Lynne says “Despite the many successful intention experiments I’ve carried and the research that supports my book The Intention Experiment, many people remain sceptical.  Some think that intention is nothing more than wishful thinking, or that they’ve tried it and it doesn’t work for them.

I understand their scepticism – and perhaps you share it too – but I know that it works.  I know because I’ve witnessed extraordinary healings that have taken place, literally overnight, at one of my workshops.

So, with my recent one in Holland, I got someone to film it.  As with all my workshops, I taught the participants the special brain-training techniques I’ve researched and developed that enable people to become masters of intention”.

Watch this short video and listen to the amazing results and testimonials for your self.  Plenty of food for thought here!