Killer drug may finally be gone – 3 years and 3000 deaths late

Avandia – the discredited type II diabetes drug – continues to be prescribed by doctors, and is still killing around 100 people every month, even though it was identified as being potentially lethal three years ago. Astonishingly, the drug has stayed on the market despite the findings of a report in 2007 that demonstrated it was killing around 19 per cent of patients, and was causing non-fatal heart problems in a further 8 per cent.

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Bitter melon extract could be the new chemo for fighting breast cancer

Bitter melon can fight breast cancer, and could even be as powerful as chemotherapy, a new study reports.

Its extract, which can bought as a dietary supplement in natural health stores, is a highly effective killer of breast cancer cells in laboratory tests, researchers from the Saint Louis University have discovered. Continue reading “Bitter melon extract could be the new chemo for fighting breast cancer”

Baked rhubarb crumble kills cancer, scientists discover

Scientists have discovered a surprising cancer fighter that may be as effective as powerful drugs such as chemotherapy – baked rhubarb crumble. Rhubarb that is baked for around 20 minutes develops powerful anti-cancer chemicals known as polyphenols, which stop cancer cells from growing, and even kills them off. Scientists at the Sheffield Hallam University are soon to test the crumble on a group of leukaemia patients. Continue reading “Baked rhubarb crumble kills cancer, scientists discover”

Women Being Conned About Breast Cancer Screening

Western medicine relies heavily on convincing people that they need some sort of drug or surgery to remedy their ills and gain health. Studies often contain manipulated facts and skewed statistics that paint a favorable picture of some new procedure or treatment while shrouding the truth about the risks involved. The alleged benefits of breast cancer screenings are no exception as women are continually tricked into believing that mammograms will greatly benefit them when the facts show that they are largely ineffective. Continue reading “Women Being Conned About Breast Cancer Screening”

MMR doctor proved right in week he was condemned as ‘dishonest’

In the week that the doctor at the centre of the controversy over the MMR vaccine and autism was called “dishonest, irresponsible and callous” by a medical disciplinary board, a new study has been published that suggests he could be right all along. Researchers in New York have discovered that children with autism spectrum disorder also had inflammation in the ileum, part of the small intestine – the exact same discovery made by Dr Andrew Wakefield, who may now lose his medical license following a 30-month hearing at the General Medical Council.